Dr. Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie of NRM Promises Transparent Governance and Citizen Engagement for Edo State’s Future

July 8, 20240


Dr. Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie of the National Rescue Movement (NRM) is committed to bringing about positive change in Edo State. As the gubernatorial candidate, he has pledged to improve open-oriented government by implementing a series of innovative measures that will promote transparency, accountability, and citizen engagement.

One of Dr. Aikoriogie’s key priorities is to establish a robust Freedom of Information (FOI) law in Edo State. This will ensure that citizens have access to government information, empowering them to hold public officials accountable and participate actively in the governance process. By making government data available to the public through open data initiatives, Dr. Aikoriogie will further enhance transparency and foster a culture of openness and accountability.

In addition, Dr. Aikoriogie plans to foster citizen engagement through a variety of mechanisms, including regular town hall meetings, surveys, and feedback mechanisms. By listening to the concerns and input of the people, he will ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the community and that decision-making is inclusive and participatory.

To combat corruption and promote ethical governance, Dr. Aikoriogie will promote transparency in government contracts, budgets, and expenditures. He will establish an independent anti-corruption agency to investigate and address corruption cases, ensuring that public funds are used for the benefit of the people.

Furthermore, Dr. Aikoriogie plans to implement e-governance solutions for efficient and transparent service delivery, making it easier for citizens to access government services and information. He will ensure whistleblower protection to encourage the reporting of corruption and wrongdoing, and collaborate with civil society organizations and media to enhance transparency and accountability.

Prior to the discovery of crude oil, agriculture was the mainstay of the Nigerian economy, Dr.Aikoriogie’s administration will reenact that feat.
Edo State will focus on products where she has comparative advantage, focus on some that will target international markets and earn foreign exchange for Edo state.
Agriculture is a means of diversifying the economy of Edo state from dependence on oil due to the fact that oil is a wasting assets and will not be with us forever, Edo state will chart the course to grow our non-oil exports

By providing training and capacity building for government officials on open government principles, Dr. Aikoriogie will promote a culture of transparency and accountability within the government. He will establish a dedicated website for open government initiatives, making it easy for citizens to access information and engage with the government.

Dr. Dennis Osahon Aikoriogie’s vision for Edo State is one of openness, transparency, and citizen participation. By implementing these innovative measures, he will create a government that is accountable to the people and responsive to their needs. Vote for Dr. Aikoriogie and the National Rescue Movement (NRM) for a brighter, more transparent future for Edo State.

Christian Asema

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